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Arch Linux with UEFI boot and full disk encryption

Created: September 30, 2020   Last Modified: January 02, 2022   Category: linux   Print this pageBack to Home


Create and format

For UEFI boot, I use GUID Partition Table (GPT) with the following partitions (which I created using cfdisk).

Partition Mount point Size Type Format Purpose
/dev/sda1   2M BIOS boot   required if using GRUB
/dev/sda2 /boot/efi 300M EFI System FAT32
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda2
EFI system partition
/dev/sda3 /boot 500M Linux filesystem EXT4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
boot partition
/dev/sda4 / Remaining space Linux filesystem LUKS encryption
cryptsetup luksFormat -v -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sda4
cryptsetup open /dev/sda4 luks_root
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/luks_root
root partition

Mount to /mnt

mount /dev/mapper/luks_root /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/boot && mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi && mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi

Create 1GB swap in /mnt

cd /mnt
dd if=/dev/zero of=swap bs=1M count=1024 # create `swap` block file
mkswap swap # format `swap`
swapon swap # enable swap
chmod 600 swap # change permission


See this post. In particular, you need to be careful about the followings.

Generate fstab

genfstab -t PARTUUID /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab

Modify /etc/default/grub

Modify the line containing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= as follows.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=PARTUUID=<partuuid of root partition /dev/sda4>:luks_root root=/dev/mapper/luks_root rw"

where <partuuid of root partition /dev/sda4> can be found by running blkid /dev/sda4.

Modify /etc/mininitcpio.conf

Chroot into the system with arch-chroot /mnt. Then, modify the line containing HOOK= in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf as follows.

HOOKS=(base udev block keyboard keymap autodetect modconf encrypt filesystems fsck)

And remeber to run mkinitcpio -p linux after saving the modification.

Boot with GRUB

arch-chroot /mnt # if not done already
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/boot/efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id="Arch Linux" /dev/sda # Keep all files, including configurations, in `/boot/efi`
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg

If you use the option --removable then GRUB will be installed to /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (or /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI for the i386-efi target) and you will have the additional ability of being able to boot from the drive in case EFI variables are reset or you move the drive to another computer.

I also use GRUB to boot in BIOS mode.

arch-chroot /mnt # if not done already
grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Boot with systemd-boot

See this page for more details. To install the EFI boot manager, run

arch-chroot /mnt # if not done already
bootctl --esp-path=/boot/efi --boot-path=/boot/efi install

Create /boot/efi/loader/entries/arch.conf with the following contents

title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options cryptdevice=PARTUUID=<partuuid of root partition /dev/sda4>:luks_root root=/dev/mapper/luks_root rw

and modify /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf by adding

timeout 3
default arch
editor 0

Secure boot with systemd-boot and PreLoader

See this page for more details.

  • Install preloader-signed.

    yay -S preloader-signed 
  • Copy PreLoader.efi and HashTool.efi to the boot loader directory.

    sudo cp -vp /usr/share/preloader-signed/{PreLoader,HashTool}.efi /boot/efi/EFI/systemd
  • Copy over the boot loader binary and rename it to loader.efi.

    sudo cp -vp /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/loader.efi 
  • Create a new NVRAM entry to boot PreLoader.efi, note that /dev/sda2 is the EFI system partition.

    sudo efibootmgr --verbose --disk /dev/sda --part 2 --create --label "PreLoader" --loader /EFI/systemd/PreLoader.efi 

If there are problems booting the custom NVRAM entry, copy HashTool.efi and loader.efi to the default loader location booted automatically by UEFI systems:

sudo cp -vp /usr/share/preloader-signed/HashTool.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot
sudo cp -vp /boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/loader.efi

then copy over PreLoader.efi and rename it:

sudo cp -vp /usr/share/preloader-signed/PreLoader.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi

Extra tips and tricks

Live Linux System with systemd-boot

Clonezilla Live

I use Clonezilla to clone/restore my system. The following commands run on my Arch Linux system as root. For more details, see also this guide and this guide.

  • Shrink /dev/sda4 to create a EFI partition /dev/sda5 for booting Clonezilla. Then, mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda5 and mount /dev/sda5 /mnt.
  • Install systemd-boot by running bootctl --path=/mnt install. If the secure boot is enable, install Preloader as in the previous section.
  • Download Clonezilla zip version. I downloaded (alternative release branch [Ubuntu-based], version 20211116-impish, CPU architecture amd64). After downloading, run unzip -d /mnt and then mv /mnt/live /mnt/live-hd, as described here.
  • Create /mnt/loader/entries/clonezilla.conf with the following content. Replace <sda5-part-uuid> with the PARTUUID of /dev/sda5, which can be obtained by running blkid /dev/sda5.
    title Clonezilla
    linux /live-hd/vmlinuz
    initrd /live-hd/initrd.img
    options boot=live union=overlay username=user config components quiet noswap nolocales edd=on nomodeset ocs_live_run=\"ocs-live-general\" ocs_live_extra_param=\"\" keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_batch=\"no\" locales= vga=788 ip=frommedia nosplash live-media-path=/live-hd bootfrom=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/<sda5-part-uuid> toram=live-hd,syslinux,EFI

Rescuezilla ISO image

Rescuezilla is a Clonezilla GUI and more.

  • As in the previous section, mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and then mkdir -p /mnt/rescuezilla for Rescuezilla ISO.
  • Download the latest Rescuezilla ISO image from this page. I downloaded rescuezilla-2.3-64bit.impish.iso and placed it at /mnt/rescuezilla.
  • Mount the ISO image. Copy the two files vmlinuz and initrd.lz from the directory casper to /mnt/rescuezilla. Umount the ISO image after copying.
  • Create /mnt/loader/entries/rescuezilla.conf with the following content.
    title Rescuezilla (Graphical fallback mode)
    linux /rescuezilla/vmlinuz
    initrd /rescuezilla/initrd.lz
    options boot=casper noeject noprompt nolocales iso-scan/filename=/rescuezilla/rescuezilla-2.3-64bit.impish.iso xforcevesa nomodeset vga=788 fsck.mode=skip edd=on toram 

SystemRescueCD ISO image

SystemRescueCD contains tools for reparing your system after a crash.

  • As in the previous section, mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and then mkdir -p /mnt/srcd for SystemRescue ISO.
  • Download the latest SystemRescue ISO image from this page. I downloaded systemrescue-8.07-amd64.iso and placed it at /mnt/srcd.
  • Mount the ISO image. Copy the two files vmlinuz and sysresccd.img from the directory sysresccd/boot/x86_64 to /mnt/srcd. Umount the ISO image after copying.
  • Create /mnt/loader/entries/sysresccd.conf with the following content. Replace <sda5-part-uuid> with the PARTUUID of /dev/sda5, which can be obtained by running blkid /dev/sda5. Replace RESCUE807 with the appropriate label of the downloaded ISO image, as explained here.
    title SystemRescue Live Linux
    linux /srcd/vmlinuz
    initrd /srcd/sysresccd.img
    options archisolabel=RESCUE807 archisobasedir=sysresccd setkmap=us dostartx nomodeset img_dev=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/<sda5-part-uuid> img_loop=/srcd/systemrescue-8.07-amd64.iso copytoram

    For more boot options, see this page. See this documentation for more advanced boot options.

RedoRescue ISO image

Another Live Ubuntu-based CD for backup and recovery is RedoRescue.

  • As in the previous section, mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and then mkdir -p /mnt/redo for RedoRescue ISO.
  • Download the latest RedoRescue ISO image from this page. I downloaded redorescue-4.0.0.iso and placed it at /mnt/redo.
  • Mount the ISO image. Copy the two files vmlinuz and initrd to /mnt/redo. Umount the ISO image after copying.
  • Create /mnt/loader/entries/redo.conf with the following content.
    title Redo Rescue
    linux /redo/vmlinuz
    initrd /redo/initrd
    options boot=live quiet splash noprompt nocomponents setkmap=us toram findiso=/redo/redorescue-4.0.0.iso

    For more boot options, see this page.

Increase/Decrease the size of LUKS encrypted partitions (no LVM)


Assume that there is space on the disc available which is not yet used by the encrypted LUKS volume. The steps to increase the volume size (which were originally described here) are:

  1. Increase the partition’s size used by the encrypted volume.

    In this case, I want to resize /dev/sda4. This can be done using gparted.

  2. Increase the size of the encrypted LUKS volume.

    cryptsetup open /dev/sda4 luks_root
    cryptsetup resize luks_root -v # increase the LUKS volume to fit the resized partition `/dev/sda4`   
  3. Resizing the file-system of the volume

    e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/luks_root # check file-system
    resize2fs /dev/mapper/luks_root # resize file-system

Note: This situation may happen when using Clonezilla to clone one LUKS encrypted partition to another partition having much larger size than the original one.


Let say I want to decrease the size of the encrypted LUKS volume on /dev/sda4. (See this page for more details.)

  1. Decrease the size of the encrypted LUKS volume.

    cryptsetup open /dev/sda4 luks_root

    The command cryptsetup resize /dev/mapper/luks_root -b <size in sectors> can be used to decreases the size of the encrypted LUKS volume. To compute the value of <size in sectors>, we first need to know the size of luks_root, which can be obtained by running cryptsetup status luks_root, and look at the value of size:. As an example, here is the result of this command running on my current system

    /dev/mapper/luks_root is active and is in use.
    type:    LUKS2
    cipher:  aes-xts-plain64
    keysize: 512 bits
    key location: keyring
    device:  /dev/sda4
    sector size:  512
    offset:  32768 sectors
    size:    121602048 sectors
    mode:    read/write

    and the size of luks_root is 121602048 sectors (since the sector size is 512 bytes, this is equivalent to 121602048 * 512 = 62260248576 bytes = 57.98 GiB). Thus, to subtract 1 GiB, the value of <size in sectors> should be 121602048 - 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 2 = 119504896. In short, run

    cryptsetup resize /dev/mapper/luks_root -b 119504896

    Then, we can

    e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/luks_root # check file-system
    resize2fs /dev/mapper/luks_root # resize file-system

    and then cryptsetup close luks_root.

  2. Resize /dev/sda4 (be careful, do not make its size smaller than the size of the encrypted volume), which can be done using cfdisk.

Automount encrypted partitions on system start

LUKS encrypted non-root partitions

Assume that I have a LUKS encrypted partition /dev/sda5 which I want to mount automatically on system start. The steps I will perform are as follows. (See the original guide here.) All commands are run as root.

  1. (Optional) Create a key to unlock the volume.

    LUKS encryption supports multiple keys. These keys can be passwords entered interactively or key files passed as an argument while unlocking the encrypted partition. The following command will generate a file with 4 KB of random data to be used as a key to unlock the encrypted volume.

    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/luks-keys/disk_secret_key bs=512 count=8

    With the following commands the created key file is saved in /etc/luks-keys and added as a key to the LUKS encrypted volume.

    mkdir -p /etc/luks-keys && cryptsetup -v luksAddKey /dev/sda5 /etc/luks-keys/disk_secret_key

    You can save your secret key in any place, instead of /etc/luks-keys. To verify that the key is working, the following command can be executed manually.

    cryptsetup -v open /dev/sda5 luks_part --key-file=/etc/luks-keys/disk_secret_key
  2. Automatically open the encrypted volume.

    This can be done by adding to /etc/crypttab the following line

    luks_part /dev/disk/by-partuuid/<partuuid of /dev/sda5> /etc/luks-keys/disk_secret_key luks 

    where <partuuid of /dev/sda5> can be found by running blkid /dev/sda5. In case you do not want to use keys, replace /etc/luks-keys/disk_secret_key by none, and you will then have to manually enter the passphrase to unlock the LUKS volume.

    Finally, to automatically mount the volume, say, to /data, on system start, add the following line to /etc/fstab. (Assuming that the volume is ext4 formatted).

    /dev/mapper/luks_part /data ext4 nofail 0 2

VeraCrypt encrypted files

Let say I have a VeraCrypt encrypted file /secret.hc, formatting as ext4, and unlocking it requires a passphrase and a key file /key.file. To unlock /secret.hc, run the following command as root.

cryptsetup -v open /secret.hc --type tcrypt --veracrypt --key-file /key.file veracrypt

The command will output Command successful after you enter the correct passphrase after the line Enter passphrase for /secret.hc:, and you will see that /dev/mapper/veracrypt is available.

As above, in order to automatically open /secret.hc, add the following line to /etc/crypttab

veracrypt /secret.hc <passphrase> tcrypt-veracrypt,tcrypt-keyfile=/key.file

When using an empty passphrase in combination with one or more key files, use /dev/null instead of <passphrase> as the password file in the third field. Otherwise, replace <passphrase> with your passphrase to unlock /secret.hc.

Finally, to automatically mount the volume on system start, add the following line to /etc/fstab.

/dev/mapper/veracrypt /mnt/veracrypt ext4 nofail 0 2

Bitlocker encrypted partitions

To open a Bitlocker encrypted partition, you need to install dislocker, which can be done in Arch Linux by running yay -S dislocker-git. Let say I have a Bitlocker encrypted partition /dev/sda6, formatting as ntfs, and unlocking it requires a passphrase. To unlock /dev/sda6, run the following commands as root.

mkdir -p /media/bitlocker 
dislocker -v -V /dev/sda6 -u<passphrase> -- /media/bitlocker 

If the commands run successfully, you will see that /media/bitlocker/dislocker-file is available. You can replace /media/bitlocker with any directory you want, and replace <passphrase> with your own secret passphrase. If you want to use recovery password instead of passphrase, use -p instead of -u. Next, you can mount /media/bitlocker/dislocker-file to any folder, say /data, as follows. To mount a NTFS partition, you need ntfs-3g.

export your_uid=$(id -u)
export your_gid=$(id -g)
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o gid=$your_gid,uid=$your_uid,dmask=022,fmask=133 /media/bitlocker/dislocker-file /data

The options gid=$your_gid,uid=$your_uid,dmask=022,fmask=133 is to keep the common permissions of files and folders in Linux (permissions on a Linux system are normally set to 755 for folders and 644 for files) in use for the NTFS partition as well.

Finally, to automatically mount the volume on system start, add the following lines to /etc/fstab. (Remember to replace the parts <...> with your own values.)

PARTUUID=<partuuid of /dev/sda6> /media/bitlocker fuse.dislocker user-password=<passphrase>,nofail 0 0
/media/bitlocker/dislocker-file /data ntfs-3g gid=<your_gid>,uid=<your_uid>,dmask=022,fmask=133 0 0