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latex-pax in Windows and Linux

Created: November 12, 2024   Last Modified: November 12, 2024   Category: windows, linux   Print this pageBack to Home


This post contains information about using latex-pax (see also this page) in Windows and Arch Linux.

In Windows

  • I installed a full version of TeXLive 2024 from an ISO image. This already contains latex-pax.
  • Download PDFBox 0.7.3 and extract the downloaded ZIP file to C:\.
  • Create a pax.bat file with the following content.
    @echo off
    set CLASSPATH=C:\PDFBox-0.7.3\lib\PDFBox-0.7.3.jar;%CLASSPATH%
    perl "C:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\scripts\pax\" %*
  • Run pax.bat <filename>.pdf to generate a <filename>.pax file that contains the PDF informations of <filename>.pdf.

In Arch Linux

  • Again, latex-pax is already installed.
  • Install pdfbox by running yay -S pdfbox. You can also download PDFBox 0.7.3 and extract the downloaded ZIP file to /usr/share/java
  • Create a /usr/bin/pax file with the following content.
    # PDFBOX_JAR=/usr/share/java/PDFBox-0.7.3/lib/PDFBox-0.7.3.jar
    java -cp $PAX_JAR:$PDFBOX_JAR pax.PDFAnnotExtractor "$@"

    Also run chmod a+x /usr/bin/pax as root user to allow everyone to run the command pax.

  • Run pax <filename>.pdf to generate a <filename>.pax file that contains the PDF annotations of <filename>.pdf.