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Some notes on using Springer svjour3 class

Created: November 20, 2024   Last Modified: November 27, 2024   Category: tex   Print this pageBack to Home


This page contains some notes I find useful when using Springer svjour3 class to prepare manuscripts and submissions in some journals. You can find here a more customized version with several additional features that you can use to prepare your draft. You can find here some more tips for using TeX and here some tips for using Springer LNCS style.


You can download the svjour3 class from here. I also downloaded a copy here. (MD5SUM: 89998b8a6754c5f2349c141a7595c64f)

Some Configurations

Add Statements and Declarations

In the file svjour3.cls, there is already a definition for the acknowledgements environment. You can use it to add your acknowledgements. Furthermore, some journals require you to add some statements and declarations. To achieve this, one way is to define a new \declare command as follows:

    \renewcommand{\ackname}{#1} % Change the title "Acknowledgements" to #1
    {\begin{acknowledgements}% #2 is the content of the declaration/statement

And then you can use it as follows:

\declare{Conflict of interest}{
    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Author-year Citation

To use author-year citation, you can use the natbib package with the svjour3 class. You can use the following commands to set the citation style:

% show citations like (Author1 et al. 2019; Author2 2020) 
% that is, no comma between the author and the year
\let\cite\citep % Make \cite behave like \citep

% Some other configurations


% Some contents

% BibTeX users please use one of
\bibliographystyle{spbasic}      % basic style, author-year citations
% \bibliographystyle{spmpsci}      % mathematics and physical sciences
% \bibliographystyle{spphys}       % APS-like style for physics


To display the URLs in the bibliography with blue color, you can use the following configuration in addition to the hyperref package:

% Redefine the \urlstyle command to change the style of URLs in bibliography 
% by setting the URL font color to blue and applies a specific style based on the argument provided
\renewcommand\urlstyle[1]{\renewcommand\UrlFont{\color{blue}\csname url#1style\endcsname}}

hyperref Package Settings

% Hyperref options
    hidelinks,          % This option hides the colored boxes around links
    colorlinks=true,    % This option colors the text of links instead of using colored boxes
    allcolors=blue,     % This sets the color of all types of links (e.g., citations, URLs) to blue
    unicode,            % This allows the use of Unicode characters in PDF bookmarks
    bookmarks,          % This enables the creation of bookmarks in the PDF
    bookmarksopen,      % This option makes all bookmarks visible when the PDF is opened
    bookmarksdepth=2    % This sets the depth of the bookmarks tree to 2 levels