This page contains some tips I collected when using LaTeX to write a KAKENHI grant proposal. Please note that this is not a guide on how to write a KAKENHI grant proposal.
The page 科研費LaTeX contains a collection of templates for writing KAKENHI grant proposals. You can also find the templates on Overleaf. Using Japanese templates to write proposals in English seems to be a reasonable option.
In case you want everything to be in English, you can find some templates I modified from 科研費LaTeX at If you are familiar with LaTeX, you can modify them to fit your requirements.
With the pdfoverlay package, you can include the PDF template provided by JSPS (which may be obtained by exporting the corresponding DOC version after deleting all unnecessary comments) as “background”, and then start writing.
To see an example I created with pdfoverlay
and other packages, download s-21_e-2021_fall.tar.gz.
This is useful when you want to convert color PDF to a grayscale (black and white) one. You will need Ghostscript. In Linux, you can use something like
gs -q -r600 -dNOPAUSE \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-o <input-file>.pdf \
-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress \
-dOverrideICC \
-sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray \
-sColorConversionStrategy=Gray \
-sColorConversionStrategyForImage=Gray \
-dGrayImageResolution=600 \
-dMonoImageResolution=600 \
-dColorImageResolution=600 \
-f <output-file>.pdf
Replace <input-file>
and <output-file>
In Windows 10 64bit, you can use a similar command, just replacing gs
by something like "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.54.0\bin\gswin64c.exe"
, or simply just gswin64c
if the directory C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.54.0\bin\
(or other directory, depending on the version of Ghostscript you installed) was already specified in the PATH
environment variable.
You can \usepackage{geometry}
to customize page layout. From the JSPS guidelines for preparing and entering a research proposal document: “The margin of style is set with upper 20mm, lower 20mm, left 25mm, and right 25mm.”
%% Adjust paper size and margins
Use \pagestyle{empty}
to remove page numbering.
For example, some hyperref
options can be:
% bookmarks=true, % show bookmarks bar?
bookmarksnumbered, % put section numbers in bookmarks
hidelinks, % hide links (removing color and border)
unicode=true, % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
pdftitle={Form S-21: Research Proposal Document (forms to be uploaded)}, % title
pdfauthor={<your-name>}, % author
pdfsubject={Grant Proposal}, % subject of the document
pdfcreator={LaTeX}, % creator of the document
pdfproducer={pdfTeX}, % producer of the document
pdfkeywords={grant proposal, kakenhi, early-career scientists}, % list of keywords
pdfstartview={FitH} % fits the width of the page to the window
or \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath}
You can \usepackage{microtype}
. See this blog post for an example of what microtype
can do.
to wrap text around figures. To adjust the space around the wrapfigure
environment (see this page for more details), use
%% Adjust space around wrapfigure
%% Reduce space between caption and figure/table (default=10pt)
\captionsetup[figure]{skip=3pt} % figure
\captionsetup[table]{skip=3pt} % table
and \end{center}
to center the figure/table, it adds extra space. Use \centering
.Use \vspace
to adjust vertical spaces. Basically, \vspace
inserts space after the current line. Additionally, \vspace*
inserts spaces even at the start of the page, while \vspace
does not. For adjusting horizontal spaces, use \hspace
or \hspace*
See this page for more details.
Basically, “a \fakesection
does all the things the regular \section
does except print the actual heading”.
\par\refstepcounter{section}% Increase section counter
\sectionmark{#1}% Add section mark (header)
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thesection}#1}% Add section to ToC
% Add more content here, if needed.
and \subsubsection
formats with the titlesec
package%% Redefine \subsection and \subsubsection formats
\renewcommand\thesubsection{\arabic{subsection}} % numbering subsections by 1, 2, 3
. The option normalem
prevents ulem
from replaceing italics with underlining in text emphasized by \emph
environment. For example:
\bibitem{citekey} Author A. "A nice article", Journal X, YYYY.
with refsection
to print a bibliography for each section. For example, in the preamble, use
%% Biblatex
\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none, style=numeric-comp, firstinits=true, url=false, doi=false, isbn=false]{biblatex}
\renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\footnotesize} % default: article=11pt => footnotesize=9pt
and then in the body of the document, you can use something like
\fakesection{Research Objectives, Research Method, etc.}
%%% content goes here
%% bibliography with biblatex (uncomment and modify)
You can also \setlength\bibitemsep{0pt}
to remove the space between two consecutive bibentries.
Adding \AtBeginBibliography{\vspace*{-5pt}}
to the preamble to reduce the space between the bibliography heading and the first bibentry by 5pt.
and biber
multiple times..latexmkrc
or latexmkrc
file if you use the jarticle
class instead of article
. Some examples of .latexmkrc
for Japanese documents are available in this page or this page. You can also use a .latexmkrc
file on Overleaf.\usepackage{lineno}
to display line numbers (see this page for more details).