Vietnam Polymath REU

This page contains all information related to our activities in the Vietnam Polymath REU program which I participated in as a Research Mentor.


The official website for this academic year is

Research Topic

You can find here or here the research topic I proposed. The title is “On the structure and realizability of some reconfiguration graphs”.


  • Phan Hữu An, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  • Lâm Nhật Quân, HCMC University of Science, Vietnam.

You can find here a complete list of students in the academic year 2023-2024.

Reading Seminar

A weekly reading seminar on combinatorics and related topics is held on every Wednesday from 17:45 (Vietnam time). See this page for more details.

Workshop (July 01 - 05, 2024 @ VIASM, Hanoi, Vietnam)

List of Papers

  • Quan N. Lam, Huu-An Phan, and Duc A. Hoang. A Note on Reconfiguration Graphs of Cliques, In Preparation, 2024.