[4.0K 03-Feb-2024 08:55]     .
[4.0K 24-Mar-2023 06:47]     ├── bibtex-styles
[ 28K 24-Mar-2023 06:45]     │   ├── elsarticle-num-names.bst  a custom Natbib's bibliography style for the Elsevier article template, ignore it if you use BibLaTeX   
[ 27K 16-Jan-2021 07:35]     │   └── mplainnat.bst  a custom Natbib's bibliography style, ignore it if you use BibLaTeX   
[ 46K 27-Nov-2023 16:10]     ├── ducha.sty  personal TeX settings by Duc A. Hoang (several packages will be loaded)
[4.0K 02-Aug-2023 09:29]     ├── examples
[4.0K 23-Dec-2023 11:43]     │   ├── article
[397K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[ 75K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 21-Dec-2023 12:43]     │   ├── authors-lipics-v2021
[442K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[1.0M 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 02-Oct-2022 22:28]     │   ├── beamer
[4.0K 15-Jul-2022 12:31]     │   │   ├── posters
[4.0K 23-Dec-2023 11:43]     │   │   │   └── Gemini
[133K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   │       ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[ 68K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │   │       └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 27-Nov-2023 08:29]     │   │   └── slides
[4.0K 23-Dec-2023 11:43]     │   │       ├── Aalborg
[ 61K 21-Dec-2023 08:28]     │   │       │   ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[ 54K 21-Dec-2023 08:28]     │   │       │   └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 23-Dec-2023 11:43]     │   │       └── Boadilla
[ 76K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │           ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[ 33K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │   │           └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 21-Dec-2023 12:43]     │   └── llncs2e-v2.21
[271K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │       ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[354K 21-Dec-2023 08:27]     │       └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[ 305 27-Jan-2024 07:33]     ├── latexmkrc  configure compiling with `latexmk`
[1.6K 27-Jan-2024 19:35]     ├── make.bat  quickly compiling in Windows CMD with a simple `make` command   
[1.2K 12-Nov-2022 08:09]     ├── Makefile  quickly compiling in GNU/Linux distributions with a simple `make` command   
[ 43K 20-Mar-2022 09:46]     ├── vietex.sty  created by [Nguyễn Hữu Điển](http://nhdien.wordpress.com/), for handling some fonts when typestting in Vietnamese, ignore it if you use English   
[4.0K 27-Nov-2023 08:29]     └── VNU-HUS
[4.0K 27-Jan-2024 19:17]         ├── beamer
[4.0K 12-Nov-2022 10:00]         │   ├── Template-1
[225K 12-Nov-2022 10:00]         │   │   ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[ 99K 12-Nov-2022 10:00]         │   │   └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 27-Jan-2024 20:01]         │   └── Template-2
[413K 27-Jan-2024 07:49]         │       ├── main.pdf  output PDF file   
[190K 27-Jan-2024 07:49]         │       └── main.zip  a ZIP archive of everything required to generate `main.pdf`
[4.0K 08-Jun-2023 02:40]         ├── exam
[ 88K 05-Jun-2023 18:45]         │   ├── dethimau-help.pdf
[107K 05-Jun-2023 18:42]         │   ├── dethimau-latex.pdf
[338K 05-Jun-2023 18:45]         │   ├── maudethi_NHDien.tar.gz  Mẫu [đề thi tự luận kèm đáp án và thang điểm](https://nhdien.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/mau-de-thi-tu-luan-co-thang-diem/) của Nguyễn Hữu Điển
[135K 05-Jun-2023 18:42]         │   └── vidu-dethi.pdf
[4.0K 03-Nov-2023 08:39]         └── thesis
[3.6M 03-Nov-2023 08:09]             ├── maukhoaluan_NHDien.tar.gz  Mẫu [khóa luận tốt nghiệp bậc đại học](https://nhdien.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/m%E1%BA%ABu-lu%E1%BA%ADn-an-so%E1%BA%A1n-b%E1%BA%B1ng-latex/) của Nguyễn Hữu Điển
[1.7M 03-Nov-2023 08:06]             └── maukhoaluan.pdf

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HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
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