Miscellaneous Stuff
Miscellaneous Writings
Some of these originally appeared in an old (deleted) WordPress blog of mine.
A Workflow with GitHub and Overleaf (Updated: December 20, 2024)
Some notes on using Springer svjour3 class (Updated: November 27, 2024)
latex-pax in Windows and Linux (Updated: November 12, 2024)
Một số đề nghi cho việc làm khóa luận (Cập nhật: 10 tháng 11, 2024)
Some Useful Scripts (Updated: January 23, 2025)
Setup Tor in Windows (Updated: October 31, 2024)
Some notes on deploying Coauthor (Updated: November 03, 2024)
Local Information (Updated: November 14, 2024)
My Experience When Attending British Council’s Researcher Connect Online Program (Updated: October 13, 2023)
Create Clonezilla Live from scratch (Updated: January 11, 2022)
Some notes on using Windows 11 (Updated: August 30, 2022)
Writing a KAKENHI grant proposal using LaTeX (Updated: September 27, 2021)
YouTube Subscriptions to RSS Feeds (Updated: December 14, 2021)
A LaTeXML Demo (Updated: July 16, 2022)
Cài đặt VieTeX trong Windows 10 với Chocolatey (Cập nhật: 15 tháng 04, 2021)
Arch Linux with UEFI boot and full disk encryption (Updated: January 02, 2022)
Some notes on creating a custom Windows 10 installation ISO image (Updated: November 27, 2021)
Some notes on using Windows Subsystem for Linux (Updated: November 15, 2024)
Some tips for using Springer LNCS style (Updated: November 20, 2024)
Some notes on using Zotero (Updated: October 11, 2021)
Convert DJVU to PDF with text kept in Arch Linux (Updated: November 14, 2022)
Sử dụng ổ cứng HDD cho việc sao lưu và sửa chữa máy tính (Cập nhật: 07 tháng 11, 2020)
Install Ubuntu 16.04 in Windows 10 (Updated: February 28, 2024)
Xây dựng trang cá nhân với Jekyll (Cập nhật: 09 tháng 12, 2021)
Mẫu lý lịch khoa học (Cập nhật: 25 tháng 11, 2020)
Some TeX Tips (Updated: March 24, 2023)
Some notes on installing and using Arch Linux (Updated: December 12, 2024)
Setup Jekyll in Windows (Updated: November 29, 2022)
Install LaTeX2HTML in Windows (Updated: November 14, 2022)
Install and Configure Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Updated: November 29, 2022)
Clone/Backup Ubuntu Systems Using Mondo Rescue (Updated: November 25, 2022)
Tor Browser Bundle (Updated: March 12, 2024)
Compile code with LEDA 6.3 Free Edition in Ubuntu 12.04 (Updated: March 12, 2024)
Install package pgfornament
for TeXLive 2012 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Updated: March 19, 2024)
Install MinionPro font for TeXLive 2012 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Updated: November 14, 2022)
How I construct my own Ubuntu LTS 12.04 Customization DVD (Updated: October 05, 2020)
Install Plymouth Stargate Theme in Ubuntu (Updated: March 16, 2024)
Getting Scientific Papers/Books/etc.
Advice and Inspiration
Paul R. Halmos’s advice on How to write Mathematics . [PDF ]
Writing Mathematical Papers—a Few Tips , Writing Mathematical Papers in English: a practical guide , and Mathematical English Usage. A Dictionary , by Jerzy Trzeciak .
Ian Parberry’s advice on giving a presentation (also see his paper with Bob Spillman ) and reviewing a paper .
The Task of the Referee (Alan J. Smith).
PC chair and general chair guidelines for TCS conferences .
A Guide for New Program Committee Members at Theoretical Computer Science Conferences .
Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught (Gian-Carlo Rota).
Non-Technical Talks by David Patterson, U.C. Berkeley .
You and Your Research (Richard Hamming, Transcript ).
Are you interested in theoretical computer science? (How not???) I have some advice for you (Michael Fellows).
EATCS Fellows’ Advice to the Young Theoretical Computer Scientist. (Luca Aceto with contributions by: Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Yuri Gurevich, David Harel, Monika Henzinger, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Scott Smolka, Paul G. Spirakis, Wolfgang Thomas).
A Few Lessons I’ve Learned (Erik D. Demaine).
The Ph.D Experience (Mihir Bellare).
Jukka Suomela ’s career advice for TCS Postdocs .
Math Study Tips (Gary MacGillivray).
DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA Extra Volume: Optimization Stories (2012) .
How the proof of the strong perfect graph conjecture was found , by Paul Seymour .
Steven G. Krantz ’s books:
Scientific Paper Writing: A Survival Guide , by Bodil Holst , illustrated by Jorge Cham of PhD Comics .
Terence Tao’s career advice .
Fan Chung Graham’s A few words on research for graduate students .
Simon Peyton Jones ’s advice on How to Write a Great Research Paper (PDF slides , PPT Slides ), How to Give a Great Research Talk (PDF slides , PPT Slides ), and How to write a great research proposal (PDF Slides , PPT Slides ).
Jason Eisner ’s advice for research students .
CMU’s How to survive as a graduate student and Advice on research and writing .
Grad School Advice , by Jason I. Hong .
Graduate study in the computer and mathematical sciences: A survival manual , by Dianne P. O’Leary .
List of Proof Techniques you should not use (see page 16). [PDF ]
Adrian Bondy’s Beautiful conjectures in graph theory in Eur. J. Comb. 37:4–23, 2014.
Richard Feynman: Fun to Imagine (BBC Series, July 1983) . [YouTube ].
How to be more impressive . (A document circulated on the Internet about how to prove 1 + 1 = 2 in a ``fancy’’ way. The author is unknown.)
Useful Resources
Some Books
The Discrete Mathematical Charms of Paul Erdős , by Vašek Chvátal .
Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Games: The Entire Collection of his Scientific American Columns .
Algorithms , by Jeff Erickson .
Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science , by Margaret M. Fleck .
Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science , by David Liben-Nowell . A preprint version of the book is available .
Introduction to Graph Theory , by Douglas B. West .
Graph Theory , by Reinhard Diestel .
Fundamentals of Graph Theory , by Allan Bickle .
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science , by
Boaz Barak . [PDF ]
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science , by Ronald Graham , Donald Knuth , and Oren Patashnik .
Introduction to the Theory of Computation , by Michael Sipser .
Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach , by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak . A draft of the book is available .
Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective , by Oded Goldreich . A draft of the book is available .
Algorithms Illuminated , by Tim Roughgarden .
Parameterized Algorithms by Marek Cygan, Fedor V. Fomin, Łukasz Kowalik, Daniel Lokshtanov, Dániel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk, Michał Pilipczuk, and Saket Saurabhs.
Proofs from THE BOOK , by Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler .
Book of Proof , by Richard Hammack .
Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness , by Michael Garey and David S. Johnson – One of the most influential books on the NP-complete theory, which is usually known as “the Garey&Johnson book”.
Research Topics in Graph Theory and Its Applications and Modern Applications of Graph Theory , by Vadim Zverovich .
Toán rời rạc và ứng dụng , Nguyễn Hữu Điển, NXB Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2019.
Thuật toán và lập trình , Nguyễn Hữu Điển, NXB Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2022.
Guide to Graph Colouring: Algorithms and Applications , by Rhyd Lewis (see aslo these introductory videos of the book’s author).
Graph Coloring Methods , by Daniel W. Cranston .
A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics , by Donald Bindner and Martin Erickson
Guide to Competitive Programming: Learning and Improving Algorithms Through Contests , by Antti Laaksonen .
Learn AI-assisted Python programming: with GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT , by Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro.
Online Videos/Talks/Lectures/Seminars/etc.
Donald Knuth Lectures .
Discrete Mathematics Lectures by Shai Simonson at ArsDigita University in 2000. More lectures can be found here .
CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard .
MIT 18.404J, Fall 2020, Theory of Computation . See this page for the PowerPoint slides.
Graph Theory Lectures by Luke Postle at University of Waterloo in Fall 2020.
MIT 6.890, Fall 2014, Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs .
MIT 18.217, Fall 2019, Graph Theory And Additive Combinatorics .
School on Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity (17-22 August 2014, Będlewo, Poland). This summer school leads to the book Parameterized Algorithms by Marek Cygan, Fedor V. Fomin, Łukasz Kowalik, Daniel Lokshtanov, Dániel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk, Michał Pilipczuk, and Saket Saurabhs.
Recent Advances in Parameterized Complexity (3-7 December 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel).
Parameterized Algorithms Lectures by Michał Pilipczuk at University of Warsaw in Fall 2020.
Some interesting programs and video lectures from Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing .
Beyond Computation: The P vs NP Problem. (Speaker: Michael Sipser, Time: October 3, 2006, Place: Harvard University Science Center).
P vs. NP: The Greatest Unsolved Problem in Computer Science .
Reconfiguration: How Martin Gardner Inspired an Area of Theoretical Computer Science , by Robert A. Hearn, at G4G’s Celebration of Mind (2021-10-22).
Stony Brook Mathematics Video Archive .
Vienna Gödel Lectures . [YouTube ]
Combinatorics Lectures Online .
CS Theory Online Talks .
TCS+ Online Seminar .
Parameterized Complexity Seminar .
SFU Discrete Mathematics Seminar .
Atlantic Graph Theory Seminars .
CMSA Combinatorics Seminar .
ISU Discrete Math Seminar .
Georgia Tech Graph Theory/Combinatorics Seminars .
Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam joint seminar in Combinatorics and Analysis .
Conferences and Journals
SHERPA RoMEO – a summary of publisher copyright policies and self-archiving.
Open Access Explained! from PhD Comics.
Some open access journals (see also the Free Journal Network and the Directory of Open Access Journals for more information). See also the Elsevier boyscott and No free view? No review! .
Some journals founded by Vietnamese institutes/universities.
Some more journals.
Some conferences.
(Top-tier) STOC , FOCS , SODA
WikiCFP - A Wiki for Calls for Papers . (See algorithms , graph theory , combinatorics and theoretical computer science categories.)
Links to Combinatorial Conferences (maintained by Douglas B. West ).
Conferences in Theoretical Computer Science (maintained by Miki (Nicolas) Hermann ).
Conferences and Meetings on Graph Theory and Combinatorics .
International CORE Conference Rankings .
Conference Ranks .
Scimago Journal & Country Rank .
Scopus Indexed Journals .
WoS (Web of Science) Indexed Journals .
Acceptance ratio of some Theoretical Computer Science Conferences (maintained by Florian Sikora ).
Highlights of Algorithms .
List of TCS conferences and workshops @ StackExchange.
Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics (GRWC) .
SafeTOC – a group of volunteers to help prevent and combat harassment in the Theory of Computing community.
Free Ebooks/Audiobooks
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Japan .
Sổ tay ngôn ngữ du lịch Nhật Bản .
Sổ tay y tế phát hành bởi Hiệp hội giao lưu quốc tế tỉnh Ibaraki .
Travel Agency: GT center , Art Tourist .
Finding Rental Houses: At Home , realestatejapan , Best-Estate.jp , Oakhouse , Sakura Rent (Kyoto).
Route Finding: Yahoo!乗換案内 , Japan Transit Planner .
Cheap Hotels: Rakuten Travel .
Tabelog – Find good restaurants in Japan.
Student Guide to Japan .
Facebook Vietnamese at JAIST .
Một số bài viết và slides của thầy Hồ Tú Bảo .
The webpage and Facebook page of JAIST’s Uehara Lab. (I was a graduate student there from April 2013 to June 2018 under the supervision of Professor Ryuhei Uehara ). You can also see my personal webpage at JAIST (which may have been deleted by the staffs in JAIST RCACI ). There is also a page containing materials for Seminars in Uehara Lab (since April 2018), which is probably moved to here (since 2020?). [For lab members only; username and password are required]
JAIST’s LaTeX template , Documents related to Major Research Project , Useful Links [On-Campus Use Only] , Employment Opportunities .
JAIST Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (RCACI) .
Facebook JAIST Recycling and Exchange Group .
Nomi-city Bus Information System . (See also Nomi-city Public Transport Guide .)
Information for Foreign Residents at Iizuka-city (Fukuoka, Japan) .
Nishitetsu Bus Timetable Search - Find bus routes in Fukuoka. (Nishitetsu (Nishi-Nippon Railroad) is a major bus company operating in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.)
Kyutech Algorithms Group .
Group of Computer Algorithms (Minato Lab), Kyoto University .
Kyoto University Research Administration (KURA) Office .
Kyoto University International Service Office (KUISO) .
Kyoto University Handbook for foreign researchers .
Arukumachi KYOTO Route Planner - Find bus/train routes in Kyoto City.
Kyoto City International Foundation .
Airport Limousine Bus (Okinawa) .
日本学術振興会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - JSPS) .
LIFE in JAPAN For Foreign Researchers .
JSPS e-Learning Course on Research Ethics .
Email bulletin “JSPS Monthly” .
Information related to Grant/Fellowship application.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Database .
JSPS Electronic Application System (see also its manual ).
UNOFFICIAL guidelines for JSPS DC fellowship application in English , by Koichi Hamaguchi .
Strategies for a Successful Grant Proposal, by Robert Cvitkovic and Max Praver, published in The Language Teacher , Issues 42.2 - 42.5, 2018. [Part One ] [Part Two ] [Part Three ] [Part Four ]
A Guide to Applying for JSPS Grants-in-Aid , by Gregory O’ Dowd and David Elmes, Proceedings of JALT 2011 , pp. 12-23, August 2012. [PDF ]
KAKENHI Writing Seminar (a part of KyotoU ASHBi Research Acceleration Programs ): 2022 , 2021 , 2020 .
科研費LaTeX - Templates for applying Japanese KAKENHI Grants (See also on Overleaf ). (I modified some templates to create their English versions . See also some tips I collected when Writing a KAKENHI grant proposal using LaTeX .)
情報処理学会アルゴリズム研究会(IPSJ Special Interest Group on Algorithms - SIGAL, Japan) .
コンピュテーション研究会(IEICE Computation Research Group - COMP, Japan) .
EATCS Japan Chapter .
Japan REsearch Career Information Network (JREC-IN) .
Japanese Center for Combinatorics and its Applications (JCCA) .
Banking/Money Transfer/Credit Card/Debit Card/etc.
SIM Cards.
What To Do Before Leaving Japan: Resident Tax, Pension, Bank Account, etc. .
Useful Tutorials/Guides/Manuals
GnuWin – ports of tools with a GNU or similar open source license to modern MS-Windows.
Crontab Guru .
OrgPad – A power tool for brainstorming, idea building and thought processing. See the introduction video . Pavel Klavík introduced this tool to me when he visited JAIST, Japan (around 2016?) and I was a graduate student there. Back then, OrgPad had limited functions .
The Ipe extensible drawing editor .
Ventoy - Boot Multiple ISOs in one USB .
Create temporary email and SMS .
hack.chat - a minimal, distraction-free chat application with LaTeX support.
VPN Gate – an online service as an academic research at Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan. The purpose of this research is to expand the knowledge of “Global Distributed Public VPN Relay Servers”.
Convert text to title case .
Unminify – a tool to unminify (unpack, deobfuscate) JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML and JSON code, making it readable and pretty.
Share large files with WeTransfer .
Dillinger - Online Markdown Editor .
Markdown to Wikidot Converter .
Adguard.net Techbench Windows ISO Download . (One can verify the downloaded ISOs’ SHA1SUM with MSDN Files Info by WZT .)
’;–have i been pwned? - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach .
Other Stuff